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This thread contains videos and courses covering topics on advanced algebra, linear algebra, differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equations, discrete mathematics, probability, and statistics.
College Algebra
Missouri State University: Lecture Series (36 videos, 40 minutes each)
Youtube channel — Geek’s Lesson: Full Course (12h) Full course (7h)
Linear Algebra
MIT Open Courseware: Videotaped Lectures (34 videos, 23h total) Full Course (12h) Full Course and Free Textbook (20h)
Harvard edX: Introduction to Probability — Self-paced Course (10 weeks)
Open Learning Initiative Carnegie Mellon University: Introductory Course
MIT OpenCourseWare: Course (15 weeks)
Harvard EdX: Data Science Probability — Self-paced Course (8 weeks)
Harvard EdX: Introduction to Probability Part I Instructor-paced Course (16 weeks)
Harvard EdX: Introduction to Probability Part II Instructor-paced Course (16 weeks)
Geek Flare: Statistics for Data Science (20 courses, variable length)
YouTube channel — 365 Data Science (Multiple videos, variable length)
Harvard edX: Statistical Inference and Modeling — Self-paced Course (4 weeks)
Harvard edX: Statistics and R — Self-paced Course (4 weeks)
Columbia edX: Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics — Self-paced Course (5 weeks)
Varsity Tutors Statistics Practice Tests
Differential Calculus
The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Understand Calculus (35 minutes)
Khan Academy: Full Course (6 units) Full course (12h)
Integral Calculus
Khan Academy: Full Course (6 units) Full course (7h)
YouTube channel — Calculus 2: Full Course (10h)
MIT Open Courseware: Calculus Courses (variable length)
Differential Equations
Youtube channel — The Math Sorcerer: Lecture series (26 videos, 30h total)
MIT OpenCourseWare: Video series (55 videos)
MIT OpenCourseWare: Videotaped Lectures (33 videos, 27h total)
Varsity Tutor Misc Practice Tests
Discrete Mathematics
My Lesson: Discrete Mathematics — Full Course (6h)
TutorialsPoint: Lessons Series
MIT OpenCourseWare: Full Course
Python Programming
Youtube channel — Traversy Media: Multiple Videos
Python Cheat Sheet for Beginners by Mosh Hamedani (1h)
YouTube channel — CS Dojo: Python for beginners (Multiple videos)
YouTube channel -Derek Banas (Multiple videos) A collection of posts and articles
YouTube channel — thenewboston (Multiple Videos)
US San Diego EdX: Python for Data Science — Self-paced Course (10 weeks)